Saturday, October 13, 2012

Big Bad Bully Biden Was Mean to Poor, Poor, Widdle Wyan in Big Boy Debate

              Wast week, the Vice Pwesidental debate took place, where Womney’s running mate, widdle Paul Wyan, took on the Vice Pwesident, Big Mean Joe Biden.  All Wyan wanted to do was tell Amewica about his conservative plan to cut taxes across the boawd and help all the poor, poor, rich people paying too much taxes, like in widdle Wyan’s favowite stowybook, Atlas Shwugged.  But the Big Bad Biden wouldn’t wet him.  All he did was laugh at Wyan, huwting his feelings, and making him feel bad.  He even called him huwtfull names, like ‘malarkey’ and ‘Jack Kennedy’.  Wyan went home and cwied and cwied and cwied.  And cwied.

            “Ha ha ha!” said Big Bad Bully Biden.  “I’m going to take all of Little Ryan’s lunch money!  And then I’ll redistribute that lunch money to the lower class!”

            But then all the nice people on the news said Wyan actually won the debate.  Hooway!  One cowwespondend fwom OX news said, “if Biden won’t play like a big boy, then he doesn’t get to win.  He has to learn to be nice to everyone.  Because even though as Vice President has the 2nd most important job in the country, is expected to deal with the nastiest people on both ends of the political spectrum, and, as head of the Senate, must watch brutal political bickering on a daily basis, he has to be nice to the guy trying to take his job.  It’s not like Ryan isn’t running for a job that is as demanding as Biden’s.  Biden has to remember not to roughhouse with the little kids.”  However, the liberal elitist media shot back: “Ryan is considered the intellectual basis of his party.  The reason why he is on board is to provide the scholarly element that many say is now gone from his party.  Why can’t Biden test his aptitude as aggressively as he likes?  And if Ryan is going to replace Joe Biden as Vice President, why can’t we expect Ryan to beat Biden at his own game?”

            Wyan was unable to wespond to these qwestions, because he was too busy taking a nap after having too much pizza and ice cweam at the Wepublican Pawty. 

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