Monday, October 15, 2012

Different Versions of Romney to Receive Votes Separately

            Mitt Romney began his career as a liberal, pro-choice Republican in the state of Massachusetts.  In 2011 he campaigned a far more conservative image of himself, claiming he would outlaw abortion in all cases.  After the most recent Presidential debate, he has depicted a more moderate version of himself in response to bad poll results.  After realizing how confusing this was to voters, a motion has been proposed in the Senate to divide the several planes of existence that Romney lives on into different Romneys, and you are only allowed to vote for one.  There’s the pro-choice ‘liberal Romney’ who loves universal health care.  Secondly, there’s the pro-life ‘conservative Romney; that subtly supports the Birther movement.  And finally, there’s ‘post-debate Romney’ who is a moderate, yet hates moderators.  At the end of the election, whichever Romney beats the other Romneys will run again in 2016.

            Proponents claim this is a good way to determine who Romney really is and to keep him from flip-flopping.  One proponent said, “If the public mood shifts away from one Romney, all they’ll end up doing is shifting straight back into another one.  So if you want to cite reasons for not liking Romney, you can’t use his stances on positions.  If you say you’re moving away from his pro-life stance to get away from voting for Romney, that won’t help at all.  Because then all you’ve done is move towards another, pro-choice Romney.”

            Opponents of the bill claim “it is unfair to project an image of multiple Romneys when Obama has multiple images himself.  There’s the Muslim Obama, the Socialist Obama, the Kenyan Obama, the Harvard Elitist Obama, Communist Obama, Corporate Bank Sellout Obama, and many more.  So why should Romney be punished for proactively creating his own multiple clashing personalities when Obama just lazily sat back and let other people project multiple clashing personalities on Obama?”

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