Sunday, April 29, 2012

Are (Mason, 2009) Citations (Gregory, 2012) Really (Smith, 2006) Necessary (Obama, 2004)?

               Many students love to write (Alvin et al, 2008), but find the amount of citations necessary to finish a paper (Johnson, 1969) cumbersome (Gregory, 2012).  “I used to love writing” said one UI junior (Mason, 2012) last Wednesday (Mason, 2012).  “But it’s just so hard to find sources to prove the points that you most likely thought of on your own anyways.  The more papers I write, the more the line between a priori (Fett, 6 BBY) and a posteriori (Dennis, 1166) blurs (Alvin et al, 1980).”  (Obama, 2004). 

            UI Professors (Dooku, 26 BBY), however, remain adamant that citing other (Voldemort, 1986) people’s work is the only way to ensure that they actually researched (Khil, 1967).  “I truly wish we could let (Lincoln, 1863) students write essays purely composed of a priori (Khrushchev, 1977) thought, but what’s to stop students from going online and cheating (Squarepants, 2004).”  Some professors theorize (the Bastard, 1066) that students could just submit a reference page to make up show that they researched, but other professors (Hardraada, 1066) this wouldn’t do the trick.  “Another good thing about requiring students (Jagger, 1970) to have both a Works Cited a reference list is it forces them to actually use their resources.  We realize the inconveniences involved with (Bieber, 2011) citations, but this is the way the scholarly world works (Tebow, 2011), and we wouldn’t be doing our job if we didn’t prepare students for it (Fukudome, 2009).”

Works Cited                (NOTE: None of these resources actually exist.  This is all a joke)

Alvin, C., et al. (2011). Something punny that the kids would like in high pitched shit. (22 ed., Vol. 33, pp. 44-55). Old Jersey, NJ: House of Randomness Publishers.

The Bastard, W. (1066). The norman army, funny, no one here's named norman. (1 ed., Vol. 0, p. 66). Hastings, IL: How Can a House Be Random? It's A House! It's Clearly There For A Purpose Publishers.

Bieber, J. (2011). I'm the next micheal jackson, in that my gender is ambiguous. (69 ed., Vol. 69, pp. 69-6969). Fucking, Austria: She's a Brick (And Random) House Publishing. wikipedia.

Dennis, P. (1166). The anarchosyndaclist commune and your lovely pile of filth. (1 ed., Vol. 1, pp. 2-3). Flea-Upon-Wing-Upon-Fly-Upon-Frog-Upon-Bump-Upon-Log-Upon-Hole-In-The-Bottom-Of-The-Sea, NE: I Threw A Dart At A Map And It Landed On This House Publishers.

Dooku, C. (26 BBY). The dark side and maintaining well kept facial hair. (a ed., Vol. b, p. cdefg). Korriban, TX: Actually, I Sort of Chose This House On Purpose Publishers.

Fett, B. (6 BBY). Bounty hunters and the outsourced economy. (12 ed., Vol. 34, p. 56). Coruscant, MT: I Just Spun Around In A Circle And I Walked Around Blindfolded Until I Found A House Publishers.

Fukudome, T. (2009). Is it just me, or is it just the cubs?. (! ed., Vol. ?, pp. !!!-!!?!). Chicago, IL: Mi Random Casa Es Su Random Casa Publishing.

Gregory, G. (2012). I don't know, nor do i care. (88 ed., Vol. 69, pp. 1-900). Mordor, NJ: House That Was Random Until They Built All Of Those Condos Around It Publishers.

Hardraada, H. (1066). Arrow in the eye: The last time vikings lost to the english. (10 ed., Vol. 66, p. 1066). Stamford, MI: Houses Can Be Random, They Just Normally Aren't Publishing.

Jagger, M. (1970). Gimme shelter: The near collapse of the best bad ever. (5 ed., Vol. 4, pp. 3-21). Liverpool, MA: Gimme Random Shelter, Perhaps A House Publishing.

Johnson, L. (1969). I really don't want to see the word vietnam in the budget. (13 ed., Vol. 13, pp. 13-1313). Washington D.F., Maryland: House That We Drew Out Of A Hat Publishers.

Khil, E. (1977). Trololololo-lo-loooooweeeeee!!!: metaphysical wonderings of the 20th century theological philosopher. (4 ed., Vol. 4, pp. 4-44). Moscow, Russia: Look at That House, What An Eyesore With All Of Its Random Christmas Lights Publishers.

Khrushchev, N. (1977). Me and my shoe will bury you!. (1 ed., Vol. 2, pp. 3-4). Moscow, IA: But Seriously, Who Just Randomly Builds A House? That's A Serious Financial Endeavour! Publishing.

Lincoln, A. (1863). Gettysburg address. (1 ed., Vol. 1, pp. 1-1.5). Gettysburg, PA: Random House.. In the Middle of the Street Publishers.

Mason, S. (2009). Something a presidential sounding. (1 ed., Vol. 123, pp. 123-456). Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa.

Obama, B. (2004). Yes we can become senator of illinois. (1 ed., Vol. 1, pp. 1-9,999). Chicago, TX: House That Just Came Out Of Freakin' Nowhere Publishers.

Smith, J. (2006). Thoughts of a man with a generic name. (999 ed., Vol. 999, pp. 1-2). Kalamazoo, MI: Completely Random House Publishers.

Squarepants, S. (2004). Living with a disorder: My best friend patrick. (12 ed., Vol. 34, pp. 56-78). Bikini Bottom, OK: You Know What's Really Random? A House! Pubishing.

Tebow, T. (2011). Give us this day our daily touchdown, and forgive us our tebowing, as we forgive those who tebow against us. (123 ed., Vol. 456, pp. 789-1234). Denver, CO: That House Would Be Even More Random If We Put furniture Out In Front Of It Publishing.

Voldemort, L. (1986). Lost by a nose: the accounts of the dictator that almost killed harry potter. (123 ed., Vol. 456, pp. 7-89). Hogwarts, WI: Nothing is Random, The Universe Drove You To Pick That House Publishers.

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