Monday, January 21, 2013

Jack Harbaugh: “This Super Bowl Will Decide Which Son I Love The Most”

            Last night, The San Francisco 49ers defeated the Atlanta Falcons, securing the NFC title.  The Head Coach of the 49ers, Jim Harbaugh, was about to be congratulated by his father, Jack Harbaugh, when other news showed up.  John Harbaugh, Head Coach of the Baltimore Ravens, led his team to a decisive victory over the heavily favored New England Patriots, securing the AFC title.  As the champions of their respective conferences, brothers Jim and John Harbaugh will face each other in the Super Bowl this February.

            “I have always tried to stay away from playing favorites” said Jack Harbaugh, father of the two coaches.  “But I can no longer sit on the fence.  When the play clock reads 00:00 in the 4th quarter, the world will know which son I love the most.  My parental love shall be measured in the points on the score board.  And like parental love in the real world, there’s no such thing as a tie.”

            Naturally, this will cause the competition to heat up between the two brothers.  “Jim always got everything while we were growing up!”  said John Harbaugh, spiking his headphone set on the ground.  “And just when I was celebrating my moment of triumph over the Falcons, when I thought I would finally be the favorite child, Jim comes out of nowhere to steal my crown.  Well he can’t have it!  Just because he’s the older brother doesn’t mean he should get all the cool stuff first, and I am sick of hand-me-downs!”  Jim is said to have contested the claim of being the favorite child, as John was the younger brother, and got away with stuff all the time.  Snapping his clip board in half, John said “Sure, as the older brother, I got to do some cool stuff before Jim did, but if anything bad happened, it was always my head in the smasher!  He doesn’t deserve this any more than I do!”

            Their mother Jackie Harbaugh remarked that she will always love her boys equally over her son-in-law, Tom Crean, who is only the head coach for the University of Indiana’s basketball team.

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