Sunday, January 20, 2013

NRA to Require Disney World Mascots to Carry Assault Rifles

            Due to NRA lobbying, a new bill passed congress today, requiring all theme park mascots to carry an assault rifle.  “Characters like Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse always give our younger customers a sense of security; they know who the character is and drifts off into a safe cartoonish world of invulnerability”  said one NRA spokesman.  “Now wouldn’t you and your child feel even safer if Donald Duck also had an AK-47 with an extended magazine and attached Masterkey shotgun?”  The answer from parents was resounding.

            NRA is aware that in the most innocent of childhood theme parks, some things are still sacred however.  While most mascots will be required to carry an assault rifle, the princess impersonators will not be held to such a requirement.  “Most little girls look up to these princess figures as role models so they may also become serene, beautiful yet smart and determined young women.  It would hardly be fitting to give something as brutish as an assault rifle to a princess.  So they will instead be required to conceal silenced machine-pistols in their dresses or elaborate hairstyles, giving them the sense of finesse befitting a princess.”

            Not all conservative gun owners are in favor of the bill.  One dissenter, Billy Club, said the following.  “I think the kids themselves should be trained to use firearms before entering Disney World and similar theme parks.  Like they say, the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a 12-year-old kid with an AK-47.  And nothing would motivate them to learn how to use a gun quicker!  You want to go to the happiest place on earth?  Then you better head to the shooting ranges!  Or as it would formerly be known as, Animal Kingdom, where vacationers can go to learn how to use guns on more challenging targets.”  While Disney Corp. apparently rejects this idea, many employees have noticed the jeeps on the safari ride have been a bit heavier lately.

            However, one thing that all agree on the subject is that our children need to be protected.  It sure would be nice if there was some trained force of non-military gun users that could protect people from guns.  In a perfect world, a trained, professional group of good guys could protect us from the bad guys with guns.  But sadly, such a force for public good does not exist.  So we must instead make do with giving every one of every age and occupation guns to make us feel safer.  That or pay taxes for a better police force, but we have to have some priorities.

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