Saturday, April 20, 2013

Video Game Industry Expresses Hopes for North Korean War

            After years and years of first person shooters based on World War Two, Afghanistan and the Vietnam War… once… Treyarch is proud to announce that if war breaks out between North Korea and the United States, they will make another Call of Duty about it afterwards.  “After making four different World War Two games, three Modern Warfare games and ignoring the shit out of the Cold War for years and years, we thought that a Vietnam game, the first ‘Black Ops’, would do the trick.  But since it didn’t have enough high-tech gadgets and every last weapon and killstreak wasn’t overpowered to the nth degree, nobody liked it” said one Treyarch representative “But then they released MW3.  While fans liked it a lot more, especially since it wasn’t Treyarch, a bunch of people still thought it was more of the same.  People don’t want the same game over and over again.  They want new weapons, new missions, new enemies, new wars.  And that is why we here at Treyarch are hoping and praying that North Korea is dumb enough to invade the south so we can watch our real-life army kick their asses and then make a game about it, but for some reason make a fictional storyline anyways.”

            It’s not just Treyarch that is anticipating the release of the Second Korean War; app makers are already churning out hundreds of bad tower defense games based on the coming war, along with several other smaller companies making first person shooters about the game in a “what if?” scenario if a North Korean nuclear bomb actually hit something important and programmers are releasing “Kim Jong-Un Edition” versions of Nazi Zombies.  In this mod of the original Nazi Zombies, players will be able to run-and-gun zombies of North Korean Military.  Because zombies have to be incorporated into everything.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

OX News: Obama is the Only One Sexist Enough to Hire Women Based on Appearance

            Obama is under fire from everyone in the nation after his extremely sexist comments, calling a woman “attractive”, while at the same time, having that woman somehow, indirectly under his employ.   From this line of logic, it is fair to say that whenever Obama hires a woman, it is because he finds that woman attractive and pays no regard towards qualifications.  We here at OX News find this not only a completely unprecedented breach of etiquette, but an action that implies that only women who are attractive can get a high ranking job.  To cover this story, we have the following from Attractive Blonde Anchor:

            “In my long line of work here at OX News and nowhere else, I find it offensive that Obama is only hiring women he finds attractive.  My fellow female anchors and I have worked long and hard to get to where we are now.  Is it just because we are attractive that we have jobs?  Is it just because some pig gave me-I mean us a job that we are competent?  Is it just coincidence that every last female anchor at OX news for a few years was blonde and chesty?  NO!  I mean, yes, to that last one.  That is just all a coincidence.  Rupert Turd-ock definitely hired me due to my competence at journalism, and I was easily the most qualified woman in that binder Rupert had compiled.”

            In other news, OX News Anchor Carl Strudelsaw believes that Obama might have originally taken an interest in Michelle Obama because he thought she was attractive.